Jim now has clear line of sight for compliance.

With full visibility of financial data, it’s easier to meet his company’s audit and compliance obligations.

Full visibility and traceability to simplify compliance in mining

FileBound simplifies compliance and streamlines mining operations with a suite of solutions designed for full visibility and traceability. Featuring a robust document management system, automated workflows, system integrations and digital tools, FileBound provides an end-to-end solution that supports complex auditing and compliance obligations. From bringing your remote workforce together to streamlining back-office processes, FileBound has the solutions you need to support your mining operations.

Manage documentation wherever you are

Whether you’re at head office or out on a site, FileBound’s cloud-based platform allows documentation to be securely accessed and updated from any internet-enabled device. Using a standard browser, FileBound’s responsive design technology allows managers, miners and stakeholders to review information from anywhere, enhancing decision-making and simplifying information sharing across remote sites. Meanwhile robust access controls on data, files and specific functions ensure confidential data remains secure.

Simplify and improve financial compliance

Meet increasing regulatory requirements and financial reporting obligations easily with the help of FileBound. Access information about payment times with a click of a button. Enable accounts payable automation to facilitate faster approval and validation of invoices, with the option of automatically escalating tasks that have not been actioned in a set period of time. Bring all financial data into a single system to provide a full view of your operations, simplify compliance activity and ease the burden of your growing reporting requirements.

Streamline operations and reduce costs

Increase the efficiency of your back-office processes by digitising, automating and electronically tracking documents, including invoices, emails, work orders, human resource files and signed contracts. Scan in physical records and, with one click, provide access to updated information without the need for time-consuming data entry. Access crucial financial data instantly without having to spend hours collating evidence for compliance activities. FileBound provides easy access to the documents you need, when you need them, saving you time and money.

Simplifying mining operations

Combining digital imaging solutions with workflow automation, seamless software integration and an easy-access electronic document management system, FileBound provides full visibility to transform mining operations.

Accounts Payable

Manage and track invoices on-site and back at the office saving you time and money as well as providing enhanced traceability.

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Use FileBound to bring financial data into a single system to improve visibility, simplify compliance and reduce the burden of reporting.

Document Management

Scan documents, create automated workflows and access important data in a single location for easy management.

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Project Management

Stay on schedule by accessing project information instantly wherever you are, eliminating the need to store or refer to physical records.

Full visibility across all your operations

FileBound delivers all the information you need in a single portal. Having all data in the one place means less searching, less processing and more results, for you and your staff.


Free staff to focus on higher-value work

Eliminate labour-intensive data entry and free your staff to focus on high-value work by digitally scanning all invoices and documents as they are received. FileBound Solutions Capture Service not only decreases labour costs but also saves time, reduces storage expenses and makes it easier to find documents for audit purposes. Speed up admin processes by creating tailored workflows to automate invoice routing from your accounts team to designated approvers, enhancing productivity while ensuring mandatory payment times are met.


Protect data from unauthorised access

Whether you’re at head office or on-site, access the documents you need with FileBound’s easy-to-use interface and secure Document Management System (DMS). Allowing easy access to documents from anywhere, advanced security and document controls protect data from unauthorised access. FileBound allows you to assign specific roles to approved staff to control access to sensitive data and limit the functionality available in the system. Control the printing, emailing or editing of crucial documents to protect your data and maintain maximum security.


Reduce the burden of financial reporting

FileBound enhances compliance with a range of solutions to streamline your processes and reduce the burden of financial reporting. Use Capture to scan and store documentation to eliminate time-consuming data entry. Automatically route invoices and documents to approved delegates for quicker sign-off and improved payment times. Build tailored workflows to gain better visibility, monitor progress and measure compliance. FileBound can also be integrated with BI reporting tools to streamline financial reporting and improve regulatory compliance.


FileBound seamlessly integrates with industry-specific finance systems to deliver even more benefits for your business.

Drive success on every mining site with FileBound

Let’s talk solutions! Get in touch to find out how our range of solutions can streamline your operations and drive future success.